Saturday, February 6, 2010

Breast Enlargement Programs in Scottsdale

Over the course of his career, Dr. Steven Turkeltaub has met with thousands of women to discuss their goals for breast enhancement. They have had questions on a variety of topics, but by far the ’biggest’ concern his patients have during consultations has to do with choosing the size of their breast implants. According to Dr. Turkeltaub, size does indeed matter. “Patients don’t request ‘I would like textured implants – in whatever size you have available’ or ‘just give me something above the muscle.’ No, it is size, size, and size.”

To help ensure that his Phoenix and Scottsdale breast augmentation patients receive the implant sizes that they are looking for, Dr. Turkeltaub seeks to determine the look and goals that they are aiming to achieve and then closely examines and measures them. He also has them try on a variety of implants to help them better visualize possible outcomes. Dr. Turkeltaub also reviews with his patients photos that illustrate various relevant results and postoperative cup sizes of his patients who have undergone breast augmentation. He also indicates that the combination of all this input along with his intraoperative assessment provides him the ability to obtain more predictable and outstanding results that his patients are very happy about.

Dr. Turkeltaub does advise that girls to wait until they are at least eighteen years old before undergoing a breast augmentation. However, exceptions can be made in younger patients where their breasts are of markedly different sizes or deformed due to trauma or a congenital defect.

A procedure often performed in conjunction with a breast enlargement is a breast lift, also known as a mastopexy. It is designed for women whose breasts have begun to droop or sag for a variety of reasons. This procedure is commonly performed in women in their thirties through sixties in order to restore their breasts to a more youthful shape. Younger women whose breasts have lost their fullness and firmness due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss are also excellent candidates for the breast lift procedure. Many Arizona breast lift patients also choose to receive breast implants in Scottsdale with Dr. Turkeltaub. Breast lift and breast augmentation can be performed together to enhance the size and shape of the breasts in one single operation.

Whether patients seek rounder, larger, or just more youthful-looking breasts, Dr. Turkeltaub says that there is usually a procedure that can provide you with sensual, shapely results. He also states that he and the Arizona Center for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery offer comprehensive care and can help patients choose the most appropriate type and size of implants that would best meet their goals and desires.


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