Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It is a medical fact that human skin will scar when it is cut either in surgery or by accident. Scars are permanent, and they cannot be removed. The appearance of scars can be minimized, however, and this is of particular interest to women who have breast augmentation scars. Usually, breast augmentation scars are most easily minimized if they are treated as early in the recovery period as possible. There are several options available to help reduce scarring after breast augmentation surgery, some will have to be prescribed by your surgeon and some are just a quick trip to the drugstore away.

Many women believe that topical vitamin E will reduce the appearance of their breast augmentation scars, but studies have shown that this is not the case. Indeed, topical vitamin E may actually worsen scarring and cause contact dermatitis. Even worse, topical vitamin E may cause the production of too much collagen which in turn causes the height of the scar to increase. Oral vitamin E supplements contain anti-oxidants that may help with general skin appearance, thereby making scars less notable. Vitamin E is an anti-coagulant so it can inhibit clotting, causing hemorrhaging. You want to check with your physician and make sure that you are far enough removed from your surgery to take it safely.

Your surgeon may use surgical paper tape immediately after the surgery to flatten and fade the scar. An alternative is silicone sheeting. With either the sheeting or the tape, the pressure of the material against the skin helps reduce the raising of scars. For fading, your surgeon may prescribe Retin A for use in conjunction with surgical tape. Retin A, which removes the topmost layers of skin, will cause the scar to fade. Many liposuction scars are effectively treated with Retin A.

Once you are completely healed, breast augmentation scars may be treated with dermatological methods. Microdermabrasion and laser or long-term topical treatments can all be effective scar treatments. As well, the scar can be camouflaged using micropigmentation. With micropigmentation, also known as cosmetic tattooing, pigments similar to the color of the skin surrounding the scar are injected into the scar. Most dermatological remedies must be administered over the course of several treatments, and cosmetic tattooing must be refreshed every couple of years. These treatments should not be used within the first year after breast augmentation surgery.

Occasionally, treatments for breast augmentation scars can actually worsen the scars or cause numbness or infection. Wait a while to see how your scars look before trying any radical scar reduction techniques, and consult with your physician when you do use them.

SOURCE: www.breastenhancementfacts.com

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